Safeguarding Policy.

PARISH : District of Gelligaer
DATE : 16 April, 2020

The Taff Rhymney Ministry Area, District of Gelligaer have agreed to adopt the Church in Wales Safeguarding policy.

**** All our leaders and volunteers are fully DBS checked. ****

Children, young people and vulnerable adults are an important part of the community of the District of Gelligaer, being respected and cherished for their own sake. Our District is committed to taking seriously its responsibilities to protect Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults. aiming to safeguard their welfare at all times. As a District we have adopted the Church in Wales Safeguarding Children,Young People and Vulnerable Adults Policy and upholds its Code of Good Practice (links to the Church in Wales Policy are given below) thus allowing that our parish is a "Safe from Harm Parish".

Should you have any concerns reguarding Safeguarding or Vulerable Adults please contact the following people.

Ministry Area Safeguarding Officer:

Mrs. Sue Hankins. Tel: 01443 820754.


District Safeguarding Officer:

Fr. Gary Powell. Tel: 01443 832119



‘Let the children come to me; do not try to stop them; for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these. Matthew 19:14’


To be a Safe Church we are committed to:


Key principles of safeguarding

Everyone has the right to live their life free from coercion, intimidation, oppression, physical, sexual, emotional or psychological harm and neglect. Children, young people and adults at risk have the right to be supported and empowered to achieve well-being and fulfil their potential. The welfare of children and adults at risk is paramount they have the right to be protected from harm and exploitation.

The Church in Wales is committed to:

In all these principles the Church in Wales endeavours to follow recognised good practice in line with this policy.

Extracts taken from "Church in Wales Safeguarding policy 2016".

Church in Wales Safeguarding

Background on Church in Wales Safeguarding Policy

Church in Wales Safeguarding Policy (2016)


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